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1338 De Soto Ave, Burlingame, CA 94010
DRE#: 01838306

Oscar Doosik Lee


Technology Professional -
Certified Distressed Property Expert (Short Sale) - CDPE®
iREO Specialist(Bank Owned Property web) - Developer
NAR Certified Short Sale & Foreclosure Resources - SFR®
National Assoc. of Broker Price Opinion Professionals- NABPOP® 
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer -
Green Real Estate Professional - Eco-Broker®
Fire, Casualty, Health, Accident and Life Insurance Agent CA Lic# OG46550

Disclaimer - The data shown shown here may not accurate. The data collected from MLS and some transactions are not my transactions but collaborated. Data accuracy cannot be guaranteed and pending transaction may not guarantee to close. Sold data may include rental transactions and some listings are not yet in MLS.