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1338 De Soto Ave, Burlingame, CA 94010
DRE#: 01838306

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 Email     doosikl@gmail.com   Web    www.maijib.com     Phone   650-636-3133


Residential Rental & Commercial Lease



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CommercialSan Francisco CountySan Mateo CountySanta Clara CountySanta Cruz CountyMonterey CountyEast Bay Area



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Price PointsSale TypesFeaturesAreas  by City & CountyNeighborhoodLease/RentalCommercial / Business        
Under 300KBank Owned2,000sq+South Bay Affordable Range HomeCommercialComercial Property        
300K - 500KShort SaleLarge HomeSan Mateo CountyHigh-End Peninsula ResidentialBusiness for Sale        
500K - 1MFixer Upper3+ BathroomsSanta Clara CountyMid Range Peninsula           
1M+Below MarketView HomeSan Francisco CountyCostal Properties          
2.5M+Town HomeHorse PropertySanta Cruz CountyDaly City - San Bruno Area          
High-End dealsCondominiumNew constructionMonterey County           
Under $100 HOA PendingMulti Units Contra Costa County           
Under $200 HOA Land / Lots Alameda County           
Under $300 HOA  Marin County           


 650-636-3133    Oscar Doosik  Lee   doosikl@gmail.com
